Nearly Natural 5709 4' Artificial Green Cycas Tree in Decorative Stand, UV Resistant (Indoor/Outdoor)
by Nearly Natural from Silk Trees
SKU - NN5709 4` Cycas Artificial Tree In Decoorative Stand UV Resistant (Indoor/Outdoor) By Nearly Natural And Sold By Uber Bazaar
- 1
- Height - 4 Ft.
- Width - 28 In.
- Depth - 28 In.
- Pot Size - H: 22 In. W: 11.5 In. D: 11.5 In.
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Additional Details
This cycas artificial tree gives off an almost historical feel with it's brilliantly designed planter with stand. It's the perfect complement to the tree's long and deeply saturated green fronds. With it's unique presentation, this is one decoration that will enhance your bedroom's overall look
- UPC - 840703157041